Fighting the battle against forgotten content
A whopping 65% of content produced by B2B brands sits unused, according to Forrester. This blows my mind. But it doesn't surprise me. So why is it happening and what can we do about it?
A Head of Marketing I spoke to recently admitted she has no idea what content they already have. All those blogs, articles, reports, guides, case studies and product sheets that her team spent hours/days/weeks to create are sat gathering dust in the depths of their website and shared drives. When people leave, they get forgotten.
Her sales team, hungry for content, are hashing together use cases and case studies that don't reflect the brand and frankly, are of an embarrassingly low quality.
And the marketing team are spending more time churning out new blogs and articles that are eerily similar to what they've already published 2 years ago.
This situation is by no means unique. But it's easily fixable.
By creating a content library that everyone has access to - marketing, sales, PR, customer success, partnerships - you can can make your content easily findable and usable.
For the sales and partnerships teams to use in their email outreach.
For marketing to use in email nurture sequences or upcoming demand gen or ABM campaigns.
And by categorising all that content by buyer persona, funnel stage, sector, topic and format, you can add filters and spot where the gaps are. Scarily light on MOFU content for HR directors? That can be the focus for your next content planning session. Content on a specific topic becoming outdated? It's ripe for repurposing.
I've got Content Library template that I'll happily share with anyone who'd like it (drop me a message if so).
A little bit of up front effort can save hours and £££ in the long run.
If you'd like to benchmark how your Content Marketing process is doing, have a look at my 5 minute Content Marketing Maturity Assessment.