Introducing the data and content insight engine
This video gives a quick intro to the Data and Insight Content Engine (DICE) a lead gen content creation model that I’ve developed, powered by ScoreApp, the quiz platform.
4 reasons why i love co-creating content with guest experts
Investing in a research report, ebook or guide? Planning your next blog or webinar series? Yes, you could go it alone and fill it with your own experts.
Or you could use it as a platform and create a proper conversation. It will take more time to gather people's insight, manage approvals and develop your activation plan. But the effort will reap rewards. Here's why...
What can B2B marketers learn from B2C?
I was at the Digital Marketing World Forum event in London recently. 90% of the speakers and sponsors had their sights set on B2C. But as a nerdy B2Ber, I was soaking it up. Some of the best ideas start out in consumer marketing.
Fighting the battle against forgotten content
A whopping 65% of content produced by B2B brands sits unused, according to Forrester. This blows my mind. But it doesn't surprise me. So why is it happening and what can we do about it?
How to run a content planning workshop
Is content planning on your to do list? Here are some ideas for how you can run a content planning workshop that...
1. People want to be involved in
2. Is time efficient and super collaborative
3. Captures the best and brightest ideas on the topics your target customers really care about
Why Top of Funnel Content should be ungated (and what to do instead)
To gate your content or not, that is the question? I'll always push for Top of Funnel content - like reports, guides and ebooks - to be open access and freely available. Why?
Do you struggle to get your colleagues to share your content?
Getting colleagues to share your social content. It's a challenge I see often. Blood, sweat and tears goes into creating your latest content piece - that shiny new research report, whitepaper or customer story. But trying to rally your well-connected teams, sales folks and execs to share it on their own personal channels can be like pulling teeth. So how to tackle it?
Is your PR team working closely enough with demand gen and content?
It's really easy for PR and digital marketing teams to fall into siloed ways of working. They only find out about what they're working on when it's launched. By then it's too late to do it justice.
I'm a big advocate for PR teams being included in content planning workshops. They often have great ideas for topical hooks or trending topics.